How to Install Burglar Guards

How to Install Burglar Guards

This simple task will keep burglars out and your family safe.

Your tools:

•    Tape measure
•    Square
•    Screwdriver
•    Drill
•    Wood and steel bits
•    Pencil

Measure the window frame opening of your window

Do not measure the window itself. Instead, measure between the inside edges of the frame of the window. To measure accurately, open the window completely. To get the correct measurements, measure:

From the inside top to the inside bottom of the frame - The height (A)
Measure the window frame opening of your window - The height
From the inside left to the inside right of the frame - The width (B)

Measure the window frame opening of your window - the width
For top hung windows, simply reverse the measurements i.e. use the height as the width and the width as the height.

Do you have wood or steel framed windows?

For wooden frames:

How to Install Burglar Guards - wooden frames

For steel frames:

How to Install Burglar Guards - steel frames


Make sure the burglar guard is square in the frame before fixing. Use one-way security screws.


How to Install Burglar Guards

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