Preparing Surfaces Before Painting

Preparing Surfaces Before Painting

Before you begin to paint, every surface requires some attention and preparation - it’s the difference between a great paint job and a sloppy one.

Prepare your surface properly

Just like paints and other coatings, primers and sealers perform better when the substrate is properly prepared. Cracks, nails, holes and other surface imperfections should be filled and sanded smooth. Rusty surfaces, in particular, need extensive work to prepare them adequately. Most importantly, the surface should be clean and free of all dust, dirt, grime, loose or flaking paint and other contaminates before the primer is applied.

Use the right tools and brushes

  • GOOD QUALITY tools and brushes last longer, helps a job move along quickly and applies the paint smoothly which helps with durability
  • Brushes should feel well balanced when held, bristles should be packed tightly and tapered up to the centre of the brush 
  • Use synthetic brushes with latex paint. Natural bristles will swell when the bristles absorb water and will not apply evenly
  • Dampen brushes prior to painting (use water for latex paint and solvents for oil/alkyd paints).

Paint in the right weather conditions

  • Ideally paint in dry conditions
  • Avoid painting in direct sunlight to avoid blistering caused by paint drying too fast 

Use the right paint for the right job 

  • Choose the paint designed for the job you are doing. In most cases a top quality latex acrylic paint is best suited for most decorative purposes. These paints are more flexible, adhere better and are more durable for exterior and interior use.
  • Never use an interior paint for exterior use. The paint made for interior use in most cases has not been designed to withstand exterior weather conditions.

Use Protective Equipment 


The basic gear you need for a safe DIY paint job are:
  • gloves 
  • safety goggles or glasses
  • dust mask for sanding
  • sensible shoes with a good grip


Preparing Surfaces Before Painting

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